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SBook port to Linux: specifications

My previous post exalting it's qualities. I now have 7,624 entries in it.

And there's still nothing i can find that touches it in ease of use. Everything (Pimlico Contact) has discreet fields for name, address, e-mail, phone, etc. when it is fifteen years since Simson Garfinkle showed that artificial intelligence can figure this out without making data entry painfully slow.

Here is the feature list, with parts inapplicable to linux (or of no interest to me) struck out.

  • Support for Cocoa's most modern features, including drag-and-drop, rich text, and services.
  • SBook databases can be encrypted with 128-bit blowfish, for unparalleled security.
  • Stores database in XML, to make it easy to interoperate with other applications.
  • Automatically finds and identifies names, phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, and other kinds of information.
Searched words: 
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