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Views random seed | drupal.orgViews random seed | drupal.org
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on July 20, 2009 - 6:20pm
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Views random seed | drupal.org Adds a random order handler with seed. [...] This makes it possible to have paging and not hav[e] items show up twice.
True Drupal story: EclipseGc asked for paging with a random order view, both Crell and Merlinofchaos basically said no such thing, I remembered seeing a module for that and googled "views random seed" and apparently it might work.
When the D7 database maintainer and Views author don't know about a maintained Views-specific module, we know Drupal has reached the point of being too big for any one person to keep track of.
So I thought I'd make a note here.