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Making Drupal OpenID More User Friendly | Engineered WebMaking Drupal OpenID More User Friendly | Engineered Web
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on October 8, 2010 - 2:13pm
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Making Drupal OpenID More User Friendly | Engineered Web If I wanted to log on with Google, Yahoo, or one of the other major OpenID providers it was just a button click away. I didn't need to know the URL. I just needed to click on the logo, enter my username and password as usual, and I was logged in. It was the first time I felt OpenID could be used for mass consumers.
The OpenID Selector module was recently released for Drupal. This module provides the same style interface for Drupal sites implementing OpenID. This module is a good first step in making OpenID through Drupal more usable and viable for mass market Drupal sites.
(Drupal 6 now but needs to be 7-ized for the book.)
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