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Line length for comments to wrap, Drupal best practices

Agaric asked this question on IRC #drupal-dojo, eventually the answer came back: 80 characters.

Thanks add1sun!

IRC is a little like the real sea, and tossing bottles with messages into it...

agaric: coding standards: for long comments (/** *stuff here */) that wrap, we're supposed to hard wrap, right? At how many characters?
Michelle: coding standards?
Druplicon: coding standards is
agaric: It doesn't cover recommended line length for comments... I guess we're just supposed to keep them reasonable
Michelle: I don't know... I don't code for core so I never looked at them
Michelle: They'd know in #drupal
agaric: Thanks Michelle, I just don't think programmers should be given that much artistic creative freedom
Michelle: LOL
Michelle: I don't code for anyone else so I can do what I like

add1sun: agaric, i think the standard is to keep it under 80 for the wrap

Spot-checking core confirms this. Longest doxygen style comment line that I've found is 78 characters.

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Agaric asked this question on IRC #drupal-dojo, eventually the answer came back: 80 characters.

Thanks add1sun!

IRC is a little like the real sea, and tossing bottles with messages into it...

agaric: coding standards: for long comments (/** *stuff here */) that wrap, we're supposed to hard wrap, right? At how many characters?
Michelle: coding standards?
Druplicon: coding standards is
agaric: It doesn't cover recommended line length for comments... I guess we're just supposed to keep them reasonable
Michelle: I don't know... I don't code for core so I never looked at them
Michelle: They'd know in #drupal
agaric: Thanks Michelle, I just don't think programmers should be given that much artistic creative freedom
Michelle: LOL
Michelle: I don't code for anyone else so I can do what I like

add1sun: agaric, i think the standard is to keep it under 80 for the wrap

Spot-checking core confirms this. Longest doxygen style comment line that I've found is 78 characters.

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