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Feedback on proposal from Stephen Cataldo

1. Do you have a server that can handle all the video action on the day-of, without a smooth build-up, just that day the servers get pounded.
2. I'm not sure about this, but Google maps might have difficulties outside of key industrialized nations, converting addresses to long/lat. Was that what you wanted to use?
3. The approach to tracking wiki editors seems solid in terms of tracking... have you considered what happens when an argument is occurring between two revisers, both reverting a doc back and forth? In a non-hierarchical, no one owns anything setting, you'll be able to track that someone is being a pain without having a structure for action?

I'm open to working on whatever here, at least at first glance the plan seems clear and the budget fair for work this worthwhile, too bad we can't sit down and work together, that'd be more fun. I have two other contracts that might or might not happen, three cheers for committees!!!

Dream & Create,

Stephen Cataldo
6420 Colby St.
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 520-6175

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