Drupal 6 bug: installation profile theme not enabled
Some crazy ways I looked to work around this bug for the SCF installation profile.
Repeating the update system line certainly did not do it:
// these next two lines attempt to get around the issue where the set theme
// is somehow not actually enabled. http://myagaric.com/node/151
$result = db_query("UPDATE {system} SET status = 1 WHERE type = 'theme' and name = 'scf_demo'");
drupal_set_message('HERE: <pre>'.var_export($result,TRUE).'</pre>');
Trying to figure out these functions did not help either:
The only thing that worked was patching the bug in Drupal core (should be fixed by the next point release), where updates cause the theme to be disabled (and the same thing happens during installation). Fortunately, the great work by Dave and others on that issue meant there was a patch to apply.
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