Created a View through the wizard... page not found going to its path
Hell, between cache clearings the Views menu link itself (under admin/structure) disappeared.
But actually the error was all me.
Wow.... it was the contextual filter i had added (thinking i was just adding it to the block and accidentally adding it to all displays).
If you give a page a default filter of use the content ID from the URL, and there is no content ID in the URL, rather than being the view page with no items you get page not found. Not the most helpful result from an easy-to-make (for me) error.
Solution: edit the contextual filter on the block to be an override, then go to the page and delete it from all displays (except overridden).
Though other people seem to have had this problem for real:
view page path - page cannot be found (issue)
created view page.. "page not found" (support forum post)
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