Administrator Experience for Drupal: Skip Confirmation for Deletion of Less Important Items
CS would like a module that lets you set in which places you want to be required to confirm delete and which places should just let you delete.
- Menu items-- don't make me confirm
- Content-- make sure
I don't think the confirm form is necessary to present cross-site scripting-- that's in the token with the form (or delete link— that might be an easy way to do this, change one or the other to links so you can visually see if you're getting a confirmation or not, and maybe think twice faster).
Shouldn't actually be too hard to form_alter in a delete immediately.
This is not so easy for menu items, actually, because they are generally deleted via a link on the overview form. Doable, but for me the desirability (do we really want a misclick on a list of links to instantly delete?) decreases and the degree of difficulty increases.
Still considering menu link deletion and the general idea for Form Tweak module, though.
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