Adding a URL alias in Drupal 4.7
When logged in (as an administrator of course) navigate to Administer » Url aliases (which is simply in the left-side personal menu as url aliases for you) then click the "add alias" tab.
The existing system path is usually something like node/134 but in the case of views, it is whatever we've named them (which doesn't even need to have the word view, but we follow it as a convention). So, for Existing system path:
and below that for the alias:
And done! The desired link will now work.
When logged in (as an administrator of course) navigate to Administer » Url aliases (which is simply in the left-side personal menu as url aliases for you) then click the "add alias" tab.
The existing system path is usually something like node/134 but in the case of views, it is whatever we've named them (which doesn't even need to have the word view, but we follow it as a convention). So, for Existing system path:
and below that for the alias:
And done! The desired link will now work.
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