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Installing Drush on Dreamhost

Dreamhost didn't allow creating a symlink from /usr/local/bin to drush

echo $PATH

did not provide any parts of the path that it looked like sudo-less users would have access to.

Fortunately, the below instructions worked well:

Overview of Development to Live Deployment Strategies


Plain Everything-in-code

Using Module Builder via Drush


Note: A couple things are specific to my local development environment, the location of the site code of course but also that development modules are maintained in their own directory and symlinked into local checkouts of sites (this keeps development-oriented modules out of code that is deployed to production).

Thus, prepping the module builder code looked like this for me, including symlinking the dev code in, which is usually already done for me by the checkout script:

Installing Drush

We are fTollowing our Debian-inspired sysadmin, Stefan Freudenberg, in the locations of this extra-Drupal project, but you can put it anywhere.

Remember to check the Drush project page for the latest version to wget, and replace the CURRENT-VERSION tarball link with that. This will be the last module you ever have to do that for.

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