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Science Collaboration Framework

Git profile project in an SVN Drupal site

Note: This approach should be considered deprecated in favor of a pure Git system.

For installing the SCF profile for use as part of an existing site managed in SVN:

Git it:

cd profiles/
git clone
svn propset svn:ignore .git .
svn add scf
"Science Collaboration Framework (scf) profile added."

Disable problem module through the database via command line mysql

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2266274 bytes) in /var/www/example/profiles/scf/modules/contrib/devel/devel.module on line 1377

mysql -u example -ppassword -h
mysql> USE example-dev;
mysql> SELECT name FROM system;
mysql> UPDATE system SET status=0 WHERE name='devel_themer';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Updating a module in Git (the hard way, resolving a conflict)

(Some old notes from Stefan that I had to look up, so putting them online).

yesterday night i learnt some git. now i can tell you the meaning of fast-forward.
when you create a new branch off another one and after some time you want to merge the changes and the other branch hasn't advanced it's a fast forward merge. otherwise a merge commit will be crated.
if you want to merge changes to the original branch you forked off you should firts pull any changes from that one before merging or tou risk losing commits.

Git push failed.

Can Drupal scale to 100 users?

I was talking about SCF and Drupal yesterday with someone I'm working with on another project, and he said he finds Drupal difficult to scale. He thinks that it's not capable of handling more than 100 users. If that's true, that would be a major concern for [our project]. What has been your experience regarding scaling issues with Drupal?

My first response to that was in internet-speak: LOL.

Then I recovered my professional self:

Biblio module, first take

Biblio has rave reviews and is on its ninth beta release for Drupal 6.

It does not have Views 2 integration yet, which would be nice.

The questions are:

  • Can CCK fields be added to biblio nodes such that they will they look integrated with biblio core qualities?
  • If not, can Biblio be Views2-ized and will that make seamless presentation of CCK fields and Biblio attributes possible?

See also FreeCite, a citation parser (front end of that site by Kathleen).

Git non fast forward failed to push some refs WHAT?

sudo git push
To /srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git'

Uh... right.

But do not fear! This error likely just means other changes have been made that you should pull in first.


Drush feature request: install a module (or theme) into an arbitrarily specified directory

The ability to use the Drush Package Manager (drush pm) to install a module in an arbitrarily specified directory doesn't presently exist.

Set higher minimum server environment requirements for a Drupal installation profile

There's a hook for that! The logically named hook_requirements lets you set requirements for each module.

To make these requirements apply to an installation profile, simply put your implementation of hook_requirements in the .install file of a module that is required by that installation profile.

Skip down to the resolution for the code that worked– doing it this Drupal way.

Keep reading for the various wrong turns on the path to the right direction.

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