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Science Collaboration Framework

Science Collaboration Framework custom code and plans

SCF seems to have a lot of "custom" modules. Do you know who is developing these? Is there a license conflict with GPL2 for not having them on d.o?


aka scor

The modules were developed by Tom Green. Agaric Design Collective (with myself as project lead) has taken over primary development.

Use hook_theme for new theming functions and templates; use hook_theme_registry_alter to take over existing ones

Everyone else has figured this out by now, but loudly proclaiming ignorance (as soon as I know I am ignorant) is a proud U.S. of A. tradition (albeit ordinarily done with less self-awareness).

Apologies if you had to click to read this, because the whole insight is in the page title: Use hook_theme for new theming functions and templates; use hook_theme_registry_alter to take over existing ones.

Agaric will demonstrate this with a negative example and a positive example.

Error based on stale schema cache?

I received an error because the schema for member module wasn't loading. After visiting the modules page all was fine.

How to reset the theme registry

Update for D7:


drupal_flush_all_caches() should work for just about anything. registry_rebuild() alone did not work in my tests.

Drupal 6

The Drupal function to reset the theme registry is drupal_rebuild_theme_registry (D6).

You can add it to your template.php while developing:

Keep .DS_Store files out of your Git projects when developing on a Mac

Following Alex Miller's note on git ignore files I added this to my .gitconfig file in my home directory:

excludesfile = ".gitexcludes"

And created also in my home directory the file .gitexcludes with this in it:


Not sure yet if that relative path approach will work, or if I'll have to specify /home/ben/.gitexcludes...


Bringing Linked Data to Drupal; bringing the Semantic Web to the World

Based on my comment to <">Dries Buyteart's Drupal, the semantic web and search, which ended with "I can has semweb in Drupal core?"

Yes, we can!

First, congratulations for having it in drop. Now the world is catching up, it is time to put RDF back in Drupal core.

Site layout destroyed by weird invisible character in stylesheet

what just happened? some scary bad invisible character(s) got in the css file

I think by using Digital Color Meter

And caused all the CSS rules after that character not to work!


Considering Capistrano for Drupal site deployment

All you need is Capistrano and an account on the deploy machine. This can be used and extended to deploy to several servers (also at once), move databases around, etc. The gain is that you don't need to login to the server. We can talk about that interesting technique tomorrow.

A nice feature is the ability to roll back to an older version if something bad happens. If this happens during deploy it rolls back automatically.


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