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Trying to use Drush to install a theme... honey, we need to talk

Not quite what Agaric was asking for... had to move it from sites/all/modules over to the appropriate theme directory. It's like Drush wasn't paying attention, and on our second date too...

Drush problems with... json?

PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
drush 5.x-1.0-beta4

Followed these instructions (modified for Apache) but they didn't help.

(If you've installed the module php5-json and get warnings like this one:

PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

it means that the module got loaded twice. Open /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini, scroll down to the end and comment out the line

Drush notes from Moshe's lightning talk

Another module by Arto Bendiken
install Drush module


command line:
php ./drush.php help

Boost actually comes with some Drush commands, but they're out of date

If you are a lazy developer [and most of us are]
you will like drush

php ./drush.php pm install boost

(I'm connected to the site which is not the best place to demo stuff, but I think this is safe)

It went and found the latest release from update status, and went and installed it into

Grep (search) through files in multiple folders avoiding .svn directories

How to grep through all modules and include files in the Drupal code base

grep LOWER modules//.{module,inc} includes/*inc

And everybody has their own way. See the link.


Testing email from the command line on GNU-Linux

Learning from May First People Link:

mail -s "hello jamie"

this is the body.

Don't forget that one period to close the body.

If it tells you command mail not found, you're starting at the beginning, and you should run:

aptitude install mailx

More on the COA redirect issues: Yahoo weighs in with strange error

I tired to follow back to your web page and could not get through. A
yahoo search yielded the same result: has too many
forwarding links to connect. I found you by following the yahoo search
link to from there I was able to find this
email address.


How to set cron for a drupal site

So you've got yourself a drupal site and you're super tired of running cron by hand every day, or every time you want to refresh your news feeds or whatever...

Maybe you like running cron manually all the time, if so, stop reading now and go get a muffin...


Anyway, here's how to do it in a few easy steps, aka the agaric way...

First, go to your command line and type:

sudo crontab -l

That'll show you what's already scheduled to run...

Then, type:

Installing UbuntuStudio when you already have Ubuntu installed

So you've got your pc up and running with ubuntu or ubuntu desktop and now you've found out that there is a pretty cool creative suite distribution of ubuntu called ubuntustudio, and you want it because, obviously, you are creative...

Well, lucky for you, upgrading is easy. Just follow the steps below to remove your ubuntudesktop and replace it with, in my opinion, a spiffier ubuntustudio desktop and cool open source programs...


first, get on terminal and run these commands:

Subversion client for Ubuntu: anything like TortoiseSVN?


In windows xp I used Tortoise SVN to edit files on the server for theming purposes. Do you know of a program that is like Tortoise SVN but will work in Ubuntu? Maybe you've got to use the Wine emulator? Let me know if you have any ideas.



You would think the currently most popular open source free software version control system would have a spiffy GUI client to work with it on the currently most popular open source free software desktop operating system, wouldn't you?

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