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Drush notes from Moshe's lightning talk

Another module by Arto Bendiken
install Drush module


command line:
php ./drush.php help

Boost actually comes with some Drush commands, but they're out of date

If you are a lazy developer [and most of us are]
you will like drush

php ./drush.php pm install boost

(I'm connected to the site which is not the best place to demo stuff, but I think this is safe)

It went and found the latest release from update status, and went and installed it into

you don't just install new modules, you can update old modules

(apparently you can run it from anywhere)

php ./drush/drush.php pm refresh
refreshing update module status
php ./drush/drush.php pm update

you can say no
and then just update the module you want.

php ./drush/drush.php sql query "select uid from users limit 10"
this issues queries to your sql
when you're at the command line, you can do this with mysql
but Drush knows your login information, so you don't have to look it up.

This works with multisite really well
php ./drush/drush.php -l sql query "select uid from users limit 10"

Next command, SQL load

This is how I do my database backups on

I just pull down their database

Or, if we haven't gone live yet, I might take

easy way to do wholesale database upgrades with load

If you don't say, it will go for sites/all modules
if you

modules/contributed - no
According to Moshe, specific sites/ will overwrite sites/all/modules

There's no support for reverting. I don't think update status knows about them [older versions of a module].

If you have your setup in subversion, you're OK.

Is there a verbose mode? Yes.

php ./drush.php -v pm install relatedcontent

yeah, it actually checks the md5 checksum


Searched words: 
Drupal deployment from the command line


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