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Information on how to do something... anything.

Installing UbuntuStudio when you already have Ubuntu installed

So you've got your pc up and running with ubuntu or ubuntu desktop and now you've found out that there is a pretty cool creative suite distribution of ubuntu called ubuntustudio, and you want it because, obviously, you are creative...

Well, lucky for you, upgrading is easy. Just follow the steps below to remove your ubuntudesktop and replace it with, in my opinion, a spiffier ubuntustudio desktop and cool open source programs...


first, get on terminal and run these commands:

Setting up the Agaric way (svn working copy checkouts) on a new server

So, you're the latest Agaric intern (or a founder who's forgotten everything) and you need to put a client on a new server, and you want to continue using the Agaric repository system.

You've found the right page.


If you have to begin at the beginning (but not all the way at the beginning) include this first command, throwing in sudos as required throughout:

apt-get install subversion

Taking a site standalone

Agaric procedure for taking a site that was sharing a Drupal codebase with a bunch of other sites standalone.

Download a new Drupal.

SVN export the current agaric-sites/5/project-name/trunk/ directory to replace (and rename as) default.

Check the whole thing in.

Set up Apache, PHP, MySQL for Webserving Drupal

(If you're starting from the beginning, download a starter CD.)

Note: Take time to look at each statement and what it runs.

All of this is from:

apt-get install ssh openssh-server

vi /etc/network/interfaces

In there, this is the important part to change:

Edit Ubuntu or Debian locations to look for package sources

Tell Ubuntu or Debian GNU-Linux where to look for package sources, for instance, tell Ubuntu or Debian not to look at the CD.

vi /etc/apt/sources.list


Upgrading Debian

This was tried on a completely empty installation. If it actually matters, you are advised to consult your nearest neighborhood GNU-Linux sysadmin.

And of course your first step would be to back up everything.



  • Back everything up, including a list of installed packages. First two commands if necessary:

    cd /
    mkdir backup
    dpkg --get-selections > /backup/installed-software.log

    dpkg --set-selections < /backup/installed-software.log

    Check what you have now:

  • Translation of User Interface strings in DrupaAdministration

    How do I import languages to translate the base of drupal?

    Go to and download them.

    Untar (unzip) your language translations.

    Then head on over to your Administer » Site Configuration » Localization page and click import (/en/admin/settings/locale/language/import)

    You do not even have to enable the language first:

    Creating a new site from an old site

    Note: I think NancyW has a post on about how to do this also, but I can't find it right now.

    If it weren't for the promise of autopilot coming out and helping with all this, I would be trying to figure out how to grep settings.php to find the real $db_url = line (which follows, rather than being in, /* */ C-style comments).

    Problem: how do we automatically rename all database table prefixes and the field prefixes within the sequences table?

    Sites-available configuration and symlinking best practices

    beats by goose is in D5.1 so Agaric needs to get it to point to a directory specifically so the default can be made 5.2

    This is the model it's currently following, below, for the general redirection:

    But the one working to send Agaric to the drupal 5.2 directory isn't using NameVirtualHost, so I'm getting rid of it. I'm also putting in the options follow symlinks etc directory four line set.

    And of course I add in the ServerName and ServerAlias lines for etc.

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