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Definitive Guide to Drupal 7

Gábor Hojtsy on why get involved with Drupal community

why really get involved, why not just use the software for free?

get to work on cool technology
get to work in an international team
get to show off your work and talent
get to travel
can also make money

Exportable field content: machine names for field instances?

When fields are used for configuration-like stuff (this is for AJAX form messages) it would make sense to be able to export field instances to code (as opposed to, say, node or comment fields).

asked, to no avail:

11:37 benjamin-agaric: is there a standard / anything anyone's tried for giving programatically-created field instances a machine name type thing

Where are the error logs when you need them?

Apache will also log errors to:


Stefan notes: in case of panic you can try to grep -R in /var/log for PHP Fatal error

Benjamin Doherty says this is covered in the DGD7 environment chapter.

Page Rendering in Drupal 7 presentation, Moshe Weitzman, transcript

Page Rendering in Drupal 7, presentation by Moshe Weitzman at DrupalCon Paris 2009. Transcript.

Changes you can make with this rendering system that was hard with D6 but trivial in D7.

Indent lines in Vim

To indent a set of eight lines in vim, from the first one, in normal (esc) mode:


To indent a curly braces block, go to a curly brace and:


To mark and indent (using 'm' as the marking letter, the first m is the marking command):

Enter mm at the top of block to indent, go down to the end of what needs to be indented, and type >'m

Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2

This isn't pretty. And i've probably left out a critical step.

Core concepts: making some changes directly in the database. Enabling head2head and alpha2alpha in the database (setting both status and schema_version). Manually commenting out the update hooks that i did in the database to make user module's updates work so that alpha2alpha's can work.

Setting the line in alpha2alpha.module to give the current version:

  $version = variable_get('alpha2alpha_version', 7);

Find the function definition of the current function or find uses of a given function

'gd' doesn't do anything for me (recommended here: )

The asterisk works great though!

  • Read the string under the cursor and go to the next place it appears. (For instance, if your cursor was somewhere on the word "bob," the cursor would move to the next occurance of "bob" in your file.)

Same as above, except it moves the cursor to the previous occurrence.

Seeing node information (such as content type) with a helper module that is not readily available otherwise

Finding a module
drupal node info block node information block module

if not displayed

creation date and time

creation author (user who created the node)

And also:

promoted to front page status

sticky status

node ID (NID)

published status

commenting status (enabled, read only, or disabled)

should theoretically be visible

Cache expiration in Drupal 7

On admin/config/development/performance

Minimum cache lifetime
Cached pages will not be re-created until at least this much time has elapsed.
Expiration of cached pages
The maximum time an external cache can use an old version of a page.

What exactly does each mean?

This is quite a major point of confusion for Drupal 6:

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