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Apache installed by Drubuntu has segfaults until permissions fixed on sites-available file

If you have installed Drubuntu (including/especially using my D7-ready sandbox), it is possible that the permissions will not be set correctly on /etc/apache2/sites-available/drubuntu

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log had segfaults in it
checking where

Giving that file read access

Two main issues remaining to be fixed in Drubuntu: NetworkManager conflict and file permissions

Need to fix in Drubuntu

  1. (Some) Drush scripts writing with no read permissions
  2. NetworkManager rewriting /etc/resolv.conf

this line needs to be added at the top via sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf:

See for the lasting fix.

Installing Drubuntu

This is for Ubuntu 10.10 with the intention of doing primarily Drupal 7 development.

Get the link to the current version of Drubuntu from the Drubuntu project page, and use it thusly:

tar -xzf drubuntu-7.x-10.10-beta1.tar.gz

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