This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

User login

This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

How to programmatically rename a content type (change node type machine name)

Set old_type if you want to programmatically update a node type / machine name.

(This is not about changing the type of a node, but changing what type is called on the machine-info level.)

$type->old_type is what node_type_save() checks for when updating a node type, if it's not set it will create a new node type even if orig_type is set to an existing bundle. So really all you need to do right before saving a modified content type is set the old_type to the orig_type, such as:

Getting started with Behat testing for Drupal

Behat is a tool to support behavior-driven development in PHP. Behavior-driven development, in turn, is a set of practices and tools to bring leadership, technical, and other participants in a software project to the same understanding of needed outcomes. The key to this is to describe what people should be able to do with the application in language that all participants understand. The role of tools like Behat is to enable these human-readable sentences to be run as machine-readable tests.

Social Media Profile Links as a field type for Drupal 7 content

What we're looking for is a way to automatically display links on a Drupal site to people's profiles on known social media sites in the way they expect, e.g. @mlncn for Twitter, +ben.agaric for Google Plus, and whatever the heck for Facebook. Icons a plus.

Evaluated and was not impressed at all; both the inputter's user interface and the display are sorely lacking.

Configure Memcache on a Drupal site

This has to be done for each site. This is after installing Memcache on your server.

Memcache module

Then, in settings.php, add:

Vagrant box check update configuration error (resolved: upgrade Vagrant)

Vagrant box check update configuration error

The following settings don't exist: box_check_update

Commenting out this made it work fine:

# config.vm.box_check_update = true

But the better solution is to upgrade Vagrant.

The reason for the error is that Vagrant version 1.2.2, rather than 1.5 or 1.6, simply didn't know about that configuration setting, and complained, and quit.

Shared, co-working, and community spaces that may work for DropLabs Boston

DropLabs, in Los Angeles, offers coworking in a learning- and working-conducive space. A key feature is people supportive of their fellow coworkers' technical growth.

Krash "is an immersive co-living experience for entrepreneurs, hackers and doers." BOS/CHI/LA/NYC/DC

Error when Drupal 8 class file is misplaced

The error is pretty straightforward but the sheer confusion of where to place class files in your module (first off, yes, they do go in your module) might make this a pretty commonly googled error.

Drupal may give an error like this:

The website has encountered an error. Please try again later.

Look in your logs for more detail:

tail -f -n100 /var/log/apache2/error.log

Here's the key problem:

Business without Bosses: Notes from a corporatizing tech conference

I'm very interested in non-corporate ways of getting things done, and DrupalCon North America 2014 (held in Austin June 2-4) provided a surprising amount of information applicable to what could be called non-capitalist production.

Two sessions worth watching:

Among other things, look for the part where she talks about asymmetric warfare...

Things you learn at a code sprint

Tab completion. I witnessed hugging and declarations of love based on learning this.


Drush. Install it with composer.