This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

User login

This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

Overriding a string the second-simplest way in Drupal 7

Here's the situation: You don't need administrator-customizable strings like the String Overrides modules provide, but you'd like the changes in a more share-able (or consistently version controlled) place than settings.php, which details an easy $conf way of doing string overrides.

Well, here's how to do it with a variable set function that can go in a module's install or update hook:

Adding Git projects to the KGB bot

Stefan set up the kgb-bot to post in the Agaric IRC channel when anyone pushes a commit to one of our repositories. These repositories are hosted on our server, and each one needs to have a very simple bit of configuration added to it and to the KGB server configuration when we add one.

Here's the easiest way for me to do that. For information about getting started with KGB in the first place, see

Functional tests with the CFWheels testing framework

We're doing some functions tests for cfwheels even though the main docs - - have only controller, model, view. Trying to test our showUserText() function alone failed because it was telling me it doesn't know anything about other functions it calls that are in fact core to CFWheels (stripTags, in this case). Core Values is a for-pay social network,

Their core values are pretty great:

1. We are selling our product, NOT our users.

We will never sell your personal data, content, feed, interests, clicks, or anything else to advertisers. We promise.

2. You own your content. members always have full control of their data and the fundamental right to easily back-up, export, and delete ALL of their data, whenever they want.

Capture all sent mail locally with Postfix

For development, you don't want any e-mail sent to the outside world, but you do want to be able to see all mail your sites or application try to send. Here is a configuration of Postfix to do that.

The trick is to BCC everything to a local user, and discard without error any other sending.

This is based on several guides and Q&As online but well, none of them worked for me, so here's exactly what i did (minus all the missteps).

CFWheels DBMigrate plugin

Started with which last released 0.6 in October 2010.
Now trying the 0.8.2 release of its fork on Github,

CFWheels taking action on a particular error

If you have more than one error on a property (aka column in a database table, as defined in your model) you need to create custom errors so you can name them

For instance, in your User.cfc model in your custom error method you have:

Firefox sets the minimum calculated width of the HTML element based on your navigation bar

I just spent a long time fruitlessly debugging work on a mobile web site because my firefox window, while itself becoming as thin as i wanted to drag it, was setting the HTML element to the minimum width my admittedly overcrowded navigation bar could crunch to-- 677px in my case.

Command line Git on Windows

A principal at Agaric regrettably uses Microsoft Windows as a primary operating system. In fact, though, everything works great for him using the open source integrated development environment Eclipse to develop, including using the eGit plugin-- except when something goes wrong, and my (limited) command line knowledge of Git is useless to help him.

Fortunately, it turns out to be pretty easy to have command-line Git on Windows with Eclipse, it just isn't well documented.

Setting up Git to Rebase on Pull Without Command Line


In the .gitconfig file in your home directory, ~ for Linux, and for Windows something like c:\Users\MyName, make sure there are these lines:

  autosetuprebase = always

And in the project-specific .git/config (in the project's root directory), make sure there are lines like these, in particular of course the last one:

[branch "master"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/master
  rebase = true