This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

User login

This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

Drupal and AtomPub

I want this for publishing from Tomboy to Drupal (data.agaric), as Tomboy and AtomPub already work together:

Ancient interest in the forums, and no response:

Implementing AtomPub for Publishing Nodes?

Response from a maintainer of the now-in-contrib BlogAPI module:

Update only Drupal core with Drush

drush up drupal

Quick Intro to Selenium

Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin that does record-and-playback of interactions with the browser. You can use it to assert the presence and content of elements on a web page and check the results of form submissions.

Simple Search Engine Optimization: Getting the Basics Right

I recently did some search engine optimization consulting for a local business, Indresano Landscaping, who was not using Drupal or any other Agaric services, and it was a nice opportunity to review the basics of SEO -- and to realize just how much Drupal does for us.

Drupal Plugin for Netbeans 7


Drush integration. Other changes from 1.5 to 2.0 include:

Duck Programming

Duck programming is manageable. It starts with recognizing that while it may be designed to be carried out by people who are not professional coders, it is still programming, and must be managed with the same processes you use to manage code: