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Synonyms and Related Terms in use

Evidence emerges that people intend and are finding ways to use Drupal's core taxonomy features related terms and synonyms (which are separate concepts– in the database synonyms are simply alternate names for a term, while related terms provides a table for every term term eligible to to have relations).

Here are the sightings:

I feel a little better about conflating synonyms and related terms in my Summer of Code application... the at IBM did the same thing: "Related terms, or synonyms, are used to link different terms to each other in your vocabulary. It acts just like in a thesaurus. The glossary module is an example of the use of synonyms."

Separate concepts. Related terms have their own tid, their own description, even their own synonyms, and applying one to a node does not apply the other; in short, related terms their own separate existence from one another, but are marked as related.

Synonyms are alternate names for the same term (one tid, one description, per term no matter how many synonyms).

Evidence emerges that people intend and are finding ways to use Drupal's core taxonomy features related terms and synonyms (which are separate concepts– in the database synonyms are simply alternate names for a term, while related terms provides a table for every term term eligible to to have relations).

Here are the sightings:

I feel a little better about conflating synonyms and related terms in my Summer of Code application... the at IBM did the same thing: "Related terms, or synonyms, are used to link different terms to each other in your vocabulary. It acts just like in a thesaurus. The glossary module is an example of the use of synonyms."

Separate concepts. Related terms have their own tid, their own description, even their own synonyms, and applying one to a node does not apply the other; in short, related terms their own separate existence from one another, but are marked as related.

Synonyms are alternate names for the same term (one tid, one description, per term no matter how many synonyms).


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