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Strange no line breaks issue in Mac OS X terminal vi text editor

drupal my cvs module has no line breaks
screwy line breaks in vi
^M instead of line breaks
the whole module code is on one line in the command line vim text editor.

This was noticed after attempting, and failing, to apply a one-letter change patch. (Well I guess patches always change at least one line, so after applying a one-line patch that failed.) But I don't think this was the source of my problems, as copying and pasting through anything but SubEthaEdit seemed the leave the same problem, even copy-paste through TextWrangler left the file a mess.

As noted in my commit message:

Fix for showing up in the right place in the administration menu submitted by melon - I actually replaced the entire file from a copy-paste from the repository browser before making the one-letter change - thanks again melon for spotting the typo - because that's the only way I could get line breaks to show up again in the command line vi text editor. Very strange, just noting here in case it leads to unexpected issues.

Vi is acting weird, period, for this file. All the $ (dollar signs) and one letter after them are highlighted in red.

drupal my cvs module has no line breaks
screwy line breaks in vi
^M instead of line breaks
the whole module code is on one line in the command line vim text editor.

This was noticed after attempting, and failing, to apply a one-letter change patch. (Well I guess patches always change at least one line, so after applying a one-line patch that failed.) But I don't think this was the source of my problems, as copying and pasting through anything but SubEthaEdit seemed the leave the same problem, even copy-paste through TextWrangler left the file a mess.

As noted in my commit message:

Fix for showing up in the right place in the administration menu submitted by melon - I actually replaced the entire file from a copy-paste from the repository browser before making the one-letter change - thanks again melon for spotting the typo - because that's the only way I could get line breaks to show up again in the command line vi text editor. Very strange, just noting here in case it leads to unexpected issues.

Vi is acting weird, period, for this file. All the $ (dollar signs) and one letter after them are highlighted in red.


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