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Simple tools for security against surveillance

Recommendations by Noah of HackBlossom following an excellent history of security and surveillance.

uBlock Origin - Never see ads again!

Privacy Badger - Don't let websites track you! - Don't let other websites track you!

HTTPS Everywhere - Don't let snoops watch your traffic! Or impersonate sites!

Don't use Chrome, they're scum.

Neither public nor private wifi is secure. WEP is bad security. Need WPA2 so at least your device to router is encrypted. But who can pay attention to this? You can use Tor, or a VPN.

Tor is best browser for anonymity.

If you log into Facebook or Google, you are of course no longer anonymous there.

Android - TextSecure for texts and RedPhone for calling
iOS - Signal for both

Event from which all this information comes was Security & Surveillance at the East Meets West Bookstore


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