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Please call us first (the Ghostbusters post)

When you have a ghost, you don't look up books on exorcism or buy the Encyclopœdia Apparitionia on an installment plan. YOU CALL GHOSTBUSTERS.

It's exactly the same with web sites and Agaric Design.

(We can take ourselves more seriously, but it costs extra.)

If you think you're probably going to hire a pro to work with you on a site, do us or whoever you call a favor: discuss things with us before you start buying tools or services. Educational books are all right. You can't do too much damage with just a book. But before you buy anything to host, build, enhance, theme, or glitzify your intended web site, please call us first. We're happy to talk for free because of all the time it can save us down the road.

Let's make this simple, with examples:

WRONG: "Hi, I bought this theme. Can you make it work right? Oh, and make it look the way I want while you're at it."
RIGHT: "I want a web site that looks something like this theme I saw for sale, with some elements from certain web sites I've looked at."

WRONG: "I bought a server. It's sitting in the hall now. Can I plug it into the phone line, or do I need a satellite or something?"
RIGHT: "I want a web site that does certain things. Can I give you money to make it happen?"

Actually, this is strictly a pre-emptive strike because so far all of our customers have done things right– namely, they hired a professional to do things wrong, but on a higher level. Fortunately for you (since you've found our on-line home), the professional that messed things up usually wasn't us. We've often fixed the mess. And to date, we haven't had a client leave us. (Maybe something about the soul ownership transfer in the fine print. We're not part of Drupal for Evil for nothing.)

Thanks in advance. And if you've already started buying services, don't worry. It's not that big a deal. And if you think you've started to dig yourself into a hole with expensive so-called do-it-yourself services, still don't worry. We're good at getting people out of jams and problem situations.

And if it is too late for us, there's always Ghostbusters.


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