Major change in CMT's internals: cmt_term_*_set functions become one cmt_term_attribute_set function
Old way:
* The following _set functions save information to the cmt_term tables and
* subsequently to votingapi if appropriate. These function names are based
* on the table names.
* They are currently written for clarity over efficiency.
* Saves a community-managed term's description and updates votingAPI.
* First it checks to make sure the description doesn't already exist for
* this term (as unlikely as that might be), and if it does, uses that
* content_id rather than inserting a new field.
* @param $tid
* A CMT term ID.
* @param $description
* A longtext description of a CMT term.
* @return
* INSERT if a new description, UPDATE if the description was already
* proposed for the term, and FALSE if a query failed.
function cmt_term_description_set($tid, $description, $uid = NULL, $value = 1) {
$result = db_query("SELECT content_id FROM {cmt_term_description} WHERE tid=%d AND description='%s'", $tid, $description);
if (!$result) {
print 'There is no result';
drupal_set_error("Select query to check for description failed.", 'error');
// how do i do this right?
return FALSE;
print 'there is a result';
if ($cmt_term_description = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// should I check to make sure nothing crazy has happened and there's somehow two rows?
$content_id = $cmt_term_description->content_id;
$return = 'UPDATE';
else { // this is a new description
$query = "INSERT INTO {cmt_term_description} (tid, description) VALUES (%d, '%s')";
$result = db_query($query, $tid, $description);
if (!$result) {
drupal_set_error("Inserting new term description failed.");
return FALSE;
$content_id = db_last_insert_id('cmt_term_description', 'content_id');
$return = 'INSERT';
$content_type = 'cmt_term_description';
// content_id has already been set, by select or db_last_insert_id
cmt_vote($content_type, $content_id, $uid = NULL, $value = 1);
// hell, we just have to hope everything downstream works!
return $return;
New way:
* Saves a community-managed term's attribute and updates votingAPI.
* First it checks to make sure the attribute doesn't already exist for
* this term (as unlikely as that might be), and if it does, uses that
* content_id rather than inserting a new row.
* @param $id
* An array with a 'value' set to the CMT term ID or node ID, and
* optionally a field name other than tid
* @param $attribute
* An array with the attribute for that CMT term, including:
* 'value' which can be a numeric type, longtext
* 'field' the field name
* 'type' (optional) if not %d, define how db_query should take this
* @param $content_type
* A string of the content_type, also the cmt_term_* table name
* @param $new
* Optional parameter to assert a new insert, skip the SQL select
* @param $value
* Optional vote value if more than 1
* @param $uid
* Optional uid if not active user
* @return
* INSERT if a new description, UPDATE if the description was already
* proposed for the term, and FALSE if a query failed.
function cmt_term_attribute_set($id, $attribute, $content_type, $new = FALSE, $value = 1, $uid = NULL) {
// set defaults
if (!$id['field']) $id['field'] = 'tid';
if (!$attribute['type']) $attribute['type'] = '%d';
$return = 'INSERT'; // if not overridden, insert new id-attribute pair
if (!$new) {
$result = db_query("SELECT content_id FROM {".$content_type."} WHERE ".$id['field']."=%d AND ".$attribute['field']."=".$attribute['type']."", $id['value'], $attribute['value']);
if (!$result) {
print 'There is no result';
drupal_set_error("Select query to check for description failed.", 'error');
// how do i do this right?
return FALSE;
print 'there is a result';
if ($cmt_term_attribute = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// should I check to make sure nothing crazy has happened and there's somehow two rows?
$content_id = $cmt_term_attribute->content_id;
// this is not a new attribute, we won't insert
$return = 'UPDATE';
if ($return = 'INSERT') {
$result = db_query("INSERT INTO {".$content_type."} (".$id['field'].", ".$attribute['field'].") VALUES (%d, ".$attribute['type'].")", $id['value'], $attribute['value']);
if (!$result) {
drupal_set_error("Inserting new term description failed.");
return FALSE;
$content_id = db_last_insert_id($content_type, 'content_id');
// content_id has been set by select or db_last_insert_id
cmt_vote($content_type, $content_id);
// downstream of cmt_vote will have to throw its own errors if anything goes wrong
// this function can't take any more feedback!
return $return;
Old way:
* The following _set functions save information to the cmt_term tables and
* subsequently to votingapi if appropriate. These function names are based
* on the table names.
* They are currently written for clarity over efficiency.
* Saves a community-managed term's description and updates votingAPI.
* First it checks to make sure the description doesn't already exist for
* this term (as unlikely as that might be), and if it does, uses that
* content_id rather than inserting a new field.
* @param $tid
* A CMT term ID.
* @param $description
* A longtext description of a CMT term.
* @return
* INSERT if a new description, UPDATE if the description was already
* proposed for the term, and FALSE if a query failed.
function cmt_term_description_set($tid, $description, $uid = NULL, $value = 1) {
$result = db_query("SELECT content_id FROM {cmt_term_description} WHERE tid=%d AND description='%s'", $tid, $description);
if (!$result) {
print 'There is no result';
drupal_set_error("Select query to check for description failed.", 'error');
// how do i do this right?
return FALSE;
print 'there is a result';
if ($cmt_term_description = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// should I check to make sure nothing crazy has happened and there's somehow two rows?
$content_id = $cmt_term_description->content_id;
$return = 'UPDATE';
else { // this is a new description
$query = "INSERT INTO {cmt_term_description} (tid, description) VALUES (%d, '%s')";
$result = db_query($query, $tid, $description);
if (!$result) {
drupal_set_error("Inserting new term description failed.");
return FALSE;
$content_id = db_last_insert_id('cmt_term_description', 'content_id');
$return = 'INSERT';
$content_type = 'cmt_term_description';
// content_id has already been set, by select or db_last_insert_id
cmt_vote($content_type, $content_id, $uid = NULL, $value = 1);
// hell, we just have to hope everything downstream works!
return $return;
New way:
* Saves a community-managed term's attribute and updates votingAPI.
* First it checks to make sure the attribute doesn't already exist for
* this term (as unlikely as that might be), and if it does, uses that
* content_id rather than inserting a new row.
* @param $id
* An array with a 'value' set to the CMT term ID or node ID, and
* optionally a field name other than tid
* @param $attribute
* An array with the attribute for that CMT term, including:
* 'value' which can be a numeric type, longtext
* 'field' the field name
* 'type' (optional) if not %d, define how db_query should take this
* @param $content_type
* A string of the content_type, also the cmt_term_* table name
* @param $new
* Optional parameter to assert a new insert, skip the SQL select
* @param $value
* Optional vote value if more than 1
* @param $uid
* Optional uid if not active user
* @return
* INSERT if a new description, UPDATE if the description was already
* proposed for the term, and FALSE if a query failed.
function cmt_term_attribute_set($id, $attribute, $content_type, $new = FALSE, $value = 1, $uid = NULL) {
// set defaults
if (!$id['field']) $id['field'] = 'tid';
if (!$attribute['type']) $attribute['type'] = '%d';
$return = 'INSERT'; // if not overridden, insert new id-attribute pair
if (!$new) {
$result = db_query("SELECT content_id FROM {".$content_type."} WHERE ".$id['field']."=%d AND ".$attribute['field']."=".$attribute['type']."", $id['value'], $attribute['value']);
if (!$result) {
print 'There is no result';
drupal_set_error("Select query to check for description failed.", 'error');
// how do i do this right?
return FALSE;
print 'there is a result';
if ($cmt_term_attribute = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// should I check to make sure nothing crazy has happened and there's somehow two rows?
$content_id = $cmt_term_attribute->content_id;
// this is not a new attribute, we won't insert
$return = 'UPDATE';
if ($return = 'INSERT') {
$result = db_query("INSERT INTO {".$content_type."} (".$id['field'].", ".$attribute['field'].") VALUES (%d, ".$attribute['type'].")", $id['value'], $attribute['value']);
if (!$result) {
drupal_set_error("Inserting new term description failed.");
return FALSE;
$content_id = db_last_insert_id($content_type, 'content_id');
// content_id has been set by select or db_last_insert_id
cmt_vote($content_type, $content_id);
// downstream of cmt_vote will have to throw its own errors if anything goes wrong
// this function can't take any more feedback!
return $return;
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