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Two kinds of action spaces

From Pierre George, who has spent a lot of time thinking about this and trying to present it.

(See attached file: structure.xls)

i have been pondering our talk of yesterday and have two suggestions on
coeditor and connections
hope the following helps common understanding whatever the outcome

1- we may use the coeditor scheme without giving each coed the right to
quit the others : if you are appointed as coed, then you are the one that
decide to quit nobody else - this make the scheme very stable ....... and
the "exclusion " a painstaking and open process

2- i think that we can have two variants of "actionspace" ( i still prefer
this to "actionopen groups") to account for the "connection" issue

this make the structure flat and simpler and more powerful , and gives
flexibility to participants to choose type 1 or type 2 when their action
is not purely local, and allow to extend the web of connections

type 1 - "local" action space - which can be linked to one or various
local and thematic portals ( so the action can occur in rio AND nairobi
and the front page will be REPLICATED on the map in the various location
-so the action space can be local of "plurilocal" - anyone can see the
action space in the various portals it is linked to and join it from there

type 2 - "connecting" action spaces (this is an action space which is
linked to various actions space of type 1 ( or even of type 2 it does not
make a difference)
( here an action space in rio and an action space in nairobi keep their
autonomy and connect together through a specific connection space

so type 2 spaces are not really "meta groups" , they are normal
actionspaces /groups with a peculiar list of links to other action space
groups , and special protocol to consitute their coed list
the front page of this connecting action space will be viisble in all the
activity spaces which it binds together ( in a special area - "our
connections" )
it will be accesible through an icon embeded in the activity icon in the
it will be visible in the local portal -it will be visible directly in the
directory of "connecting actions" and its local views in portals ( list of
connection spaces and list of connected activities )

if we look at the map -on the link facet / the connection space is a mesh
of lines binding all connected points to each other , or drawing an "
potatoe external enveloppe bining all the points to have less lines in
the screen

the link to the connection space are atumatically given in the action space
"visit/join connection space - visit/join connected actions spaces

it is event possble ( does it make sense though? ) to have connecting
actions spaces that "connect" other connecting action spaces together -
and the structure stays flat -using standard organic groups with some

special features - this is more difficult to represent on the map :-)

we need to design an efficient display mode for this mesh of actions
i-e in a natioanl portal -local actions spaces (highlighting
plurilocal ones ( type 1) leading to the connections spaces they ar
elinked to - leading to and the the other activitisspace they are linked
to through them

for example
if i want to make a teleworkshop between rio and nairobi
i may use a type 1 action space if this teleworksip team is very focused
and integrated ,
or i may want to have two separate local actions ( because there will be
a local dynamics in each place), and a connection space with only the most
interested people of both areas interest tomake things work

if i want to spread the action of " dressing for GM2008" ( helsinki idea :
having a special way to dress for that day )
this is an action which can be spread everywhere by a global focused
"multilocal group" so i can use type 1, if there is a group focused on
this mushrooming in an ever longer list of cities ( portals) )
or i may prefer to use type 2 if people in helsinki rio and nairobi
doing other actions (wth their own actin space ) also willing to
"associate" somehow to this action

in both case the number of links to portals, or links to Action spaces is
in type 1 the coed is classic: by inidiidual cooptation
in type 2 the coed is autmatically managed everytime a new action space A
is listed in the conneciton form (this means edited by whoever has the
right to edit the form of the connection space ) : all coeds of A get
included in the Connection space coed group ( and the coeds of A cannot be
removed by other coeds so they stay here to see that the status of the
connection seen from their action space A is corresponding to their
collective option ( not willing connection now - exploring connection-

confirming connection)

have looked rapidly agaric document and starting commenting it - will
send tomorrow morning a version with comments

probalby creation of action group should be an implicit step in the
creation of its first action to make things simpler : menu is create/edit
action space not create action group then create action in it

one action space can have several actions but they all should be edited by
the same coed group .. at least this should be an option given to the first
coed grup to edit - (it sounds dull but ...)
i tend to assimilate subactons to participant contents which would be
given less visiblity than the action front page documents edited by coeds

do not clearly "see" yet the wiki/ mail /space for non coeds how does it
work ? how are the user produced contents displayed ? do they get viislbe
somehow outside the action space - as such : " personal contents"
is there a test site to see concretely what being a laypartiicpant in an
organic group is like ?

have not seen the word "connection" in all the doucment - this is a point
that we need to be adressed, hence this mail (not in first priority but in


We will probably implement the local and nonlocal action space idea with the possibility to create additional Organic Groups, that are marked as related and show up on each others' pages (as a link in a block), but we will automatically subscribe people to the shared group.

That is, if I'm in the Rio dance in the streets group, and there is also a Nairobi dance in the streets group, anyone can create a new group called Dancing in the Streets and relate it to both of them. This group's mission, this international collaboration space, would be for discussing common themes and coordination between or among action space groups.

Rather than automatically subscribing all the people in both Rio Dance in the Streets and Nairobi Dance in the Streets, it should just be on both group pages and they (as anyone) may subscribe to the Dancing in the Streets group if they choose.

– benjamin for Agaric


i went on thinking and

i went on thinking and exchanging about those issues and sent last Sunday October 14th a document "about groups" in the workteam mailing list (included in a message called :

users of the site may be happy to choose between " build up your action in the site " ( with group possibility) ( possible collective editing ) and " present your action in the site (inside a hosting group)" ( individual post) inmersed in a large "comon space " country group

i have drafted there a table with several variant of the groups (groups being defined as association (specifically tailored for site) of a header zone and a standard organic group

located groups A A1 un located groups B
connecting groups C
common space groups ( national and also local )

i have a concern for accountability and realism that is why i stress the need to have a co-editor team inside the group

it is not that i am particularly hierarchy-minded , just that i know that "active kernels" are the way it works most of the time and would like to make them visible, through the co editor tool , and not pretend they don' t exist

this team (and not everyone in the group) would be responsible for performing stuctural operations about the group : such as "connecting it"

if anybody is entitled to relate a group to another this creates a maze of links, none of which is particularly "significant"
i am quite open to having this maze , but would be happy to know also what are the links edited by the coeditors of that group

there would be an invite system send to other "groups" by any coeditor and answered by any coeditors in the collective control panel with simple rules (i-e if "accept the invitation " is clicked in the collective control panel , then all coeds are included as coeds of the connecting group - or to make things more difficult to undo than to set up only if all coeds of a group quit the connecting group will the connection disappear)

if we stay with a completely flat stucture where (inasmuch owner allows it? ) all other users have a equally visible link editing capacity, then we do not know whether a connection is " wanted " by the team of coeds or just tolerated by them, which is a great difference

i will be happy to test any connection feature that will be developed... and will assess it in line with concerns of clarity transparency

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