User login


Organic Groups in Drupal 7 does not use entity IDs as group IDs

Update: Here is the code we currently use, abstracted into a helper function with lots of comments but it's really just two lines:

Created a View through the wizard... page not found going to its path


Hell, between cache clearings the Views menu link itself (under admin/structure) disappeared.

But actually the error was all me.

Wow.... it was the contextual filter i had added (thinking i was just adding it to the block and accidentally adding it to all displays).

If you give a page a default filter of use the content ID from the URL, and there is no content ID in the URL, rather than being the view page with no items you get page not found. Not the most helpful result from an easy-to-make (for me) error.

Block cache constants and other block-making tips

./modules/block/block.api.php:48: * - DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE (default): The block can change depending on the
./modules/block/block.api.php:50: * - DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_USER: The block can change depending on the user
./modules/block/block.api.php:53: * DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE is not sufficient.
./modules/block/block.api.php:54: * - DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_PAGE: The block can change depending on the page
./modules/block/block.api.php:56: * - DRUPAL_CACHE_GLOBAL: The block is the same for every user on every

Collaboratively writing e-mail (sharing mail drafts)

A test: I gave one GMail account edit access to another GMail account (yes, you can do this) and started editing an e-mail, saved it as draft, and then went to the other account— the draft was there, but not only was there no autorefresh of the other's changes when i edited simultaneously, but it forked and created two drafts of the same e-mail.

Suppressing RDF mapping

(Questions from me, answers from Stéphane.)

Apologies if this is covered in the chapter or well-documented elsewhere,
but i have what i think should be a pretty common case.

haven't seen it anywhere, but it's the kind of question that should be
in a FAQ somewhere...

I'm printing a node, say a page node, and don't want it to name its creator
in RDFa (or any other potential RDF output) any more than i want to display
the 'submitted by' in HTML.

Modules in consideration for the SDL project

Available role: A module for Drupal to allow users to choose which roles permitted to them they currently use

When developing a site it is well known you need to log in as different users to properly test functionality, or you will always be surprised by incorrectly-configured permissions.

However, it should be much easier to test out working as a given user role by anyone with these privileges.

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