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Drupal Salesforce-integrated Contact Form: Specific Use Case

As discussed, for the contact page, I want the following fields automatically submitted through to the LEADS tab in Salesforce:

1. Company Name

2. Contact Name (First Name and Last Name – 2 fields)

3. E-mail Address

4. Phone Number

5. Address (Address, City, State, Postal/Zip code, Country)

6. Additional comments box (optional)

I can add any field to Salesforce so let me know if you need me to do that.

Adding a custom submit handler to a form with a CCK field?

I was thinking maybe a CCK field to tell a form what Salesforce lead "Source" categorization a form should have ought to be able to do double duty as the indicator that "this form should be sent to Salesforce as a lead."

However, that would require a CCK field to be able to add a submit handler that applies to the entire form it is added to, and I'm not sure they can do that.

Salesforce module difficulty logging in to from Drupal


I am working for a current Salesforce commercial client and we are integrating Salesforce with a new Drupal web site. For both their account and my developer account, authentication fails using the e-mail and password. I know that Salesforce protects against unauthorized access by IP-based whitelists, and I am wondering if this is the problem.

We have not received e-mails at either account noting a failed login, and am wondering if there is a place in the admin interface that I have missed and can enable the web site.

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