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cache monster

A call to t() in FAQ causing excessive locale cache refreshing

Agaric @TODO - report this to FAQ issue queue

Here's a string that shouldn't have been in t() --

aeb831da T+0.588907 [DEBUG ] cache_clear_all('locale:pt-br', 'cache') in `modules/locale/locale.module':213

t() call in hook_info in Usernode causes too much locale caching

t() hook node_info Drupal
cannot use t() in custom node declaration?

Our latest culprit in the Drupal refresh wars: Usernode.

Cache clearing craziness, taxonomy and locale notes

Delete one term and every cache on your entire site gets cleared?

cache_clear_all() in `modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module':592
taxonomy_del_term('345') in `modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module':613

What's this about clearing the language cache because the organic groups page is visited in Italian? There's a ton of these:

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