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Social Forums and Technology

Organizing mass forums

I wish I were part of the solution and not part of the problem on that one.

More complex thoughts to come.

For now...

The PWGD corollary:

If we can do Big Things
and avoid technocracy
we can have
true democracy.

Cutting cruft from third-party Mac OS X programs

Trim down Mac OS X applications (but be careful, as one might expect, you can break apps by messing with them in this way),00.shtml

I asked Rixstep specifically about open source free software Java-based applications, generally ported from GNU-Linux:

Trimming apps:

What about Java-heavy cross-platform FOSS ports such as NeoOffice and Gimp?

Generally yes trimmable, or generally no?

Provide a theme function to allow override of your block output

See, the professionals have to learn this also! Excellent post from pingvision, scroll down to the second half to see the Drupal way!

Here's Agaric's contribution to making the countdown module's output themable:

Create a link for anonymous users only to proceed on to create content after registration

Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:49:46 PM): register?destination=node
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:49:48 PM): !!!
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:50:05 PM): doesnt goto create page like user/regiter would
I3IVIIVI (5:50:18 PM): well, in the meantime I'm still getting the register link for logged in users
Dan Hak (smoothblendz) (5:50:53 PM): <?php
if ($user->uid==0) {
  print l('<span class="buttn3">' . t('Present Action') . '</span>', 'user/register?destination=node/add/action', array(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);

Designed to life

Functionality designed to your life is the Agaric Design signature. Utilizing open source, free software from around the world, Agaric Design websites are impeccably crafted with a modern, sophisticated and understated spirit. Our guiding philosophy is to bring open source and usability that works effortlessly in your day to day life.

I know we will become a favorite in your contacts list. And thank you! I consider that the ultimate compliment.

Dan Hakimzadeh

Do not show group-adding subform when adding an action to an existing group

And finally, restricting adding that extra form, the group subform in the action node posting form, to only when the action is called without a group specified:

In restricting that subset of form_alter...

Could check $form here:

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=156

But it seems more precise to check $form over in this mess:

Turning English off (using a custom English) in i18n breaks redirect on login

So WSF has a customization of the Drupal English, which we gave the prefix code "eng." This doesn't look as lovely as "en" but it works fine except for one place: when logging in and using redirection, you don't get to where you're headed. It somehow defaults to 'en' and directs you to a page with an en prefix, and because that's disabled, you get page not found.

This might be the cause, in i18n.module:

May First People Link

May First People Link is an organization of progressive activists and organizations who use the Internet's technology in their work and are committed to the Internet's continued growth and freedom.

Agaric Design Collective is proud to be a part of May First People Link.

[This blog entry is a placeholder until we get our site properly reorganized to recognize and feature our partners and friends.]

Storing lots of little pieces of data for a module: best practices? Interim practices?

How to store a bunch of little variables?

Location.module does it this way, a separate, dynamically produced variable for every field and node type. The value is either 0 (don't display), 1 (display), or 2 (required)

      $workflow_setting = variable_get('location_'. $field_name .'_'. $node->type, $field_name == 'country' ? 1 : 0);

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