User login

How to

Information on how to do something... anything.

Background graphics not displaying in IE6 due to use of padding instead of width and height values

Some IE6 fixes did not require browser detection

Wrong (as far as IE6 is concerned)

a#emailalerts_button {
display: block;
background: url('images/alerts.gif') 0% 0px;
padding: 135px 0px 0px 130px;
vertical-align: bottom;

Right (for everything as far as we can test)

a#emailalerts_button {
display: block;
background: url('images/alerts.gif') 0% 0px;
padding: 0;
width: 135px;
height: 130px;
vertical-align: bottom;

Make nodes easy to edit, even when they are embedded in a panel or teaser ist

noticing how hard it is to edit a node in a panel?

dan hak 11:03
oh yea, your old thing didnt show that


it sucks

you have to go tothe panel

figure out what it is

then find the node

benjamin melançon 11:09
well no more!

dan hak 11:09
i assumed thats what you were getting at

In our node.tpl.php, just below:

See all available variables for theming

Nicely written, Drupal-focused answer:

print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';

Off-topic, for Dan:

An example output for a fairly complex node (CCK, Taxanomy)

Access a server via another server

Oh, it's that easy...

Hello Marco,

Could you give your procedure for proxying through another server? Once we have it hooked up with our server we should be able to do that.


in this way.

1) (necessary if server restricts by IP adddress) send ip of server1 to server staff

2) from your machine's shell to server 1
ssh ben@server1

3) from server1's shell to destination server

Theme a Views Table

Very useful thread, great helpful people responding to it:

How to theme view module's "table view"?

Thanks to a tip from

 * Function to handle a sample field.
function phptemplate_views_handle_field_participants_users_name($fields, $field, $data) {
  $info = $fields[$field['fullname']];'s PHP input format

how does do its PHP input filter?

the one that if you put PHP tags around it it will make nicely formatted and colored code

(may have posted this question on agaric)

Thanks Lullabot!

Code Filter Renders syntax-highlighted PHP code. This module is used on

How to add CSS and Javascript just for the front page, as for a custom GMap call

You cannot call drupal_add_css, drupal_add_js, or drupal_set_html_head in any page.tpl.php files themselves. This makes sense, as the variables used to display the page have to have been loaded already for the page to start displaying.

Fix RSS output for CCK node types so that information from all important fields are included

Solution for RSS, CCK and Views...

I think this is basically what the Contemplate module can do? But can it be used to theme RSS only, and leave regular theming to node-type.tpl.php files?


Save a file in Vim after editing and only realizing it's read only when saving

Superseded by a better way to force saving from in vi when read-only, noted in the comments and in Agaric's own post there as :w !sudo tee %

If you've used Debian or any other type of Linux or Unix-like for editing files on your server, at some point you will have done a whole bunch of editing without seeing the "READ ONLY" warning, and then... you try to save.

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