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Drupal Development

Agaric wants to be able to override Drupal form validation errors

Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.

OK. It persists, and I am the site administrator. What exactly am I supposed to do?

Debug variable printing functions shortcuts

dpr – Shortcut for dprint_r, a debug version of the PHP print_r function.
dvr – Similar to dpr, but uses var_dump instead of print_r.
dpm – Similar to dpr but print_r's a variable as a message using drupal_set_message.
dvm – Similar to dpm but uses var_dump instead of print_r.

From Nick of ThingAMajig.

Drupal's Installation Profile repository should allow include files

I feel pretty strongly about this, but I don't even know what issue queue to complain in... so I'll just post it on Agaric's own site, and expect the gods to hear me.

Modular Installation Profiles

Agaric (or one of us, at least) is obsessed by the idea of modular installation profiles.

It's just the way Drupal should be.

Our Agaric Starter Profile was a hacky start at that, and has either been delisted from or we never made a proper release (either way, attention to it has suffered and we can't complain). More time than I had went into trying to create separate include files that could be combined in different ways to serve as a set of varying profiles that could be chosen.

Allow users to create a placeholder to relate or link to content they subsequently create

I am editing one node. I know that the next node I'm going to create is going to be related to it. In fact, I want to link to the node-to-be directly from the text I am writing.

Add autocomplete taxonomy to user profiles used on one-page registering

For the World Social Forum 2008 web site, we want people to be able to use an autocomplete freetagging taxonomy field to add an organization to their user profile that they can access when registering.

Looks like the subform_elements module will be the way to go.


Agaric Wants: set 'view revisions' permission by content type

Naturally, if you have a wiki content type, you want everybody to be able to view revisions. Odds are they may have an edit tab also.

But do you really want a big "Revisions" tab and a redundant "View" tab added at the top of your carefully crafted about us page, the one where you just deleted all references to your collective cofounder and you really don't want anyone looking at revisions anyway?

Creating a new site from an old site

Note: I think NancyW has a post on about how to do this also, but I can't find it right now.

If it weren't for the promise of autopilot coming out and helping with all this, I would be trying to figure out how to grep settings.php to find the real $db_url = line (which follows, rather than being in, /* */ C-style comments).

Problem: how do we automatically rename all database table prefixes and the field prefixes within the sequences table?

Agaric Wants: to be able to add taxonomy terms en masse by checking off nodes in a list

2009 Update: (this module was around, just didn't find it until now!)
And has been made far more powerful.

The below is very, very out of date.

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