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Relating nodes by taxonomy with Views 2 relationships?

benjamin-agaric: a Views 2 question-- we have two content types (one for images, one for posts) connected to the same vocabulary, we would like a view of the images (actually a CCK field on a node type) where the link from the image goes to the single post tagged with that term. Now I'm thinking this is such an edge case I should just do it in the theme like always. But--

[these next messages were all sent pretty much simultaneously]

merlinofchaos: You probably need a custom field for that.

Everyone's Voices, Nobody's Noise post-submission strategy session with Nathaniel Catchpole

<ben-agaric> All right.  My brain's utterly fried.  Do you see a starting point with this stuff?  For a while I felt that a modular messaging framework, a whole replacement for Sympa / Mailman / that stuff was necessary, and while I think ultimately it is (and was going to be a second application to Knight, and if I can get a grasp on the field and put a proposal together will shop around anyway)  -- I do think with mailhandler and notifications and suc
<catch> mailhandler's very cool.

Not seeing CCK fieldsets when you form_alter your form?

In #drupal channel on IRC, mikey_p reminds that the CCK fieldgroup module has a weight of 9, so your module implementing hook_form_alter has to have a heavier weight (higher number) if you want to see that.


Be sure to register templates moved to module layer, and moving functions from template.php to module

Using FileMerge to compare (Mac OS X graphical diff), no differences between the page.tpl.php in the scf_base theme and the page.tpl.php I have in scf.module.

But the site doesn't look the same at all. That means the reason moving template files to the theme layer failed is because I am not calling them right.

Had to put them in hook_theme_registry, of course.

Once that was done, progress began in earnest. Breaking the site, of course.

Poor performance of Drupal 5 internationalized site due to lack of database table indexes?

One issue is that in Drupal 5x the i18n_node table does not have indexes where you really need them.

See the CivicActions post When to Index - Databases, Tables, Explain.


Calling watchdog function (logging info) in Drupal 6

In Drupal 6, the way watchdog() is used has changed a bit.

It's all defined in the API, of course, but some things could use a little more clarification.

Here's the function definition as a starting point:

function watchdog($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = NULL)

Capistrano and Git a bit output-happy

So after a good vi Capfile and updating the values necessary as per our new method, it's time to try Stefan's dev to test deployment:

Ebony-II:seacoastoutright ben$ cap agaric:init

Using the taxonomy term associated with a node as an argument in a view

How to in Views 2

Using a taxonomy term associated with a node as the argument in your block view. In the original Views module, the PHP Argument handling code was a collapsed fieldset that opened to reveal a textarea in which to input code. In Views 2 this is still necessary, unless we're missing out on some uber-advanced method, but harder to get to.

Print information associated with a node elsewhere in page.tpl.php, using a separate template file for theming

Thanks to a little refresher on the _phptemplate_callback function (replaced in Drupal 6's theming system with the theme registry) from searching Nick Lewis' site.

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