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Drupal Development

DHTML suggestion

Siavash: If you brought in the DHTMLX package, it would help a lot of these things.


Form User Interface for very large taxonomy trees with multiple select

We have a tricky user interface problem for taxonomy.

We have a very large hierarchical vocabulary, and multiple terms can be selected.

Currently the tree is much too large to reasonably navigate and control-click, control-click the terms one-by-one without a disastrous mistake

As it stands now SCF's project manager would prefer a type-ahead completion like free tagging terms get.


Loading included files the Drupal way

The usual PHP functions include, require, include_once, and require_once should not be used in Drupal to load files from modules that aren't your own. Instead, use module_load_include():

See also

Agaric wants Programmatic CCK field addition

When you add shared fields, CCK loads all the input widget and display formatter settings, which is awesome.

Agaric wants to go still farther in automation, and be able to add and update fields across multiple content types with a single form submission.


Documenting a Drupal site using the Advanced Help module

In the Agaric annual brainstorm, it occurred to me that the Advanced Help module could also be used for site-specific documentation— both for users and developers.

Documentation is not something you want to trust to the vagaries of the often unstable content of a site in development, but at the same time you would rather have configuration and use information embedded in the site than in a separate document of which everyone needs to keep track.

Hook theme registry alter issue takes away entire site theme

The entire theme disappearing issue has an identified culprit.

(It was sort of cute– devel still printed the query log, but that's all we got for each page.)

First I commented out scf.module's implementation of hook_theme(), but visiting the admin/build/modules and admin/build/themes pages didn't bring it back.

Then I commented out the implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter(), and that brought the site back (and with it, the ability to see the warning messages).

First, the guilty function, that appears to only work with the scf stub theme:

Adding Drupal profile as a git submodule (terminal dump)

Not sure about this approach, let alone the documentation.

git add modules/
cd ../../../
git add .gitmodules drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

cd drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

git status

git commit -m "added the imc alba modules, and fckeditor (and the fckeditor third party download)"

git push

cd ../../../

git add drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

git commit -m "With imc alba profile and modules"


Pubmed notes

A simple way of fetching documents from pubmed, as actually used, for testing purposes anyway:

  $efetch_url = '' . $pmid . '&retmode=xml';

// @debug
//  $efetch_load = simplexml_load_file($efetch_url);
// drupal_set_message('<pre>'.var_export($efetch_load,TRUE).'</pre>');


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