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Storage structure for AJAX Form Messages

By using field storage, we get access to translation.

We've defined the info files, made them dependent on the core module. That was fun!

Caching is fun to implement, but try to hold off until you have all your functionality in place. As someone somewhere surely said (OK, it was Donald Knuth), "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."

We could define our form messages as a nested array analogous to menu definitions— a form ID,

Fields offer the advantage of understanding translation for user-entered data. Therefore, using fields, there's a potential

Error (unexpected code 0) trying to copy large file from Mac OS X hard drive to external hard drive

The other option is to use MACFuse on your Mac, and install ntfs-3g. Then format the USB drive on the Windows machine at NTFS.

This way you can use random windows machines, your Mac will be able to read the USB drive as a Windows NTFS filesystem, and you can store 4GB+ files on it.

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