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Removing the bubbletimer sample node stubborn remnant after uninstalling the module

Bubbletimer module unfortunately did not work out, possibly due more to our server configuration at the time, but i didn't have time to investigate, so i sent $20 for the year to Note to self: offer a decade-worth of payments to developers of the Drupal module.

SELECT type, name, module, locked FROM node_type;

Vim snippets with SnipMate for PHP and Drupal

See also:

git clone git://
cd snipmate.vim
cp -R * ~/.vim

vi ~/.virmrc (v ~/customhome/.vimrc-agaric for me.)

:filetype plugin on
:helptags ~/.vim/doc

Agaric description of services for

Agaric makes powerful web sites for people who do things. As a collective of skilled workers, Agaric works with you and open source free software communities to develop tools and build platforms that meet your needs.

Drupal is the world of code and community we choose to inhabit fully: to build sites with, to consult on, to share knowledge about, to contribute extensions and improvements to, and to end sentences with prepositions for.

Xray module visualization notes

Visualize plugin will be great for graphs (like what percentage of nodes on a site are each node type)

CSS for Forms: Formalize

Makes forms display somewhat consistently across browsers and operating systems, without making them too different / unexpected.

The key file:


Building up a team

Team Unanimity: She describes, essentially, consensus decision-making. Thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no, thumbs sideways for ok i don't like it but i won't veto it.

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