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Removing the bubbletimer sample node stubborn remnant after uninstalling the module

Bubbletimer module unfortunately did not work out, possibly due more to our server configuration at the time, but i didn't have time to investigate, so i sent $20 for the year to Note to self: offer a decade-worth of payments to developers of the Drupal module.

SELECT type, name, module, locked FROM node_type;

| type                      | name                    | module   | locked |
| book                      | Book page               | node     |      0 | 
| profile                   | Profile                 | features |      1 | 
| blog                      | Log entry               | features |      1 | 
| event                     | Event                   | features |      1 | 
| feed_ical                 | iCal Feed               | features |      1 | 
| feed_ical_item            | iCal Event              | features |      1 | 
| group                     | Group                   | features |      1 | 
| shoutbox                  | Shoutbox                | features |      1 | 
| casetracker_basic_case    | Case                    | features |      1 | 
| casetracker_basic_project | Project                 | features |      1 | 
| sample_bubbletimer_node   | Sample bubbletimer node | node     |      1 | 
| activity                  | Activity                | node     |      0 | 

We can simply unlock it:
UPDATE node_type SET locked=0 WHERE type='sample_bubbletimer_node';

And that does nothing for us at all.

Turns out, locked refers to the content type's system name (or machine name). (Furthermore, this data is cached, and we need to clear caches before we can click edit on the content type and mess with its system name.) But that isn't what we care about here. We want to delete the darned thing.

SELECT type, module, locked, custom, modified FROM node_type;

| type                      | module   | locked | custom | modified |
| book                      | node     |      0 |      1 |        1 | 
| profile                   | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| blog                      | features |      1 |      0 |        1 | 
| event                     | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| feed_ical                 | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| feed_ical_item            | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| group                     | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| shoutbox                  | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| casetracker_basic_case    | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| casetracker_basic_project | features |      1 |      0 |        0 | 
| sample_bubbletimer_node   | node     |      0 |      0 |        0 | 
| activity                  | node     |      0 |      1 |        1 | 

All right, then: Let's tell Drupal that sample_bubbletimer_node is a custom content type, bwahahahahaha.

UPDATE node_type SET custom=1 WHERE type='sample_bubbletimer_node';

Happiness and light and the power to destroy, we have a delete link next to Sample Bubbletimer Node at admin/content/types.

Goodbye, Bubbletimer module. See you next year in Drupal 7. We'll put more effort into it and it will work out better, i promise.

Searched words: 
delete sample_bubbletimer_node content type