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Open Letter to Amazon: Don't make your e-mails look like phishing attempts

Dear Amazon,

You have my name. Use my name. You put a bar on top of when i'm logged in (and you always keep me logged in), so why not provide instructions to the trusted domain rather than the slightly dodgy looking affiliate-program subdomain. And finally, just get my information from your NSA contacts (and contracts). Thank you,


P.S. What i'm trying to say is don't send an e-mail that looks exactly like this (this is completely unredacted):


We need to ensure that we have your current contact information on file so you receive any applicable IRS 2013 tax reporting form(s). Please verify that the contact information located in Associates Central is correct.

If this information is incorrect, the primary contact can make the appropriate changes online through Associates Central. You can log in to Associates Central ( and click "Account Settings" to access the option to "Change your contact information."

Please note, Associates whose account addresses are located outside the U.S. won't receive a tax form.


Amazon Associates Program

Please note: this e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Searched words: 
Amazon bad practice phish spam


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