This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

User login

This website is composed of information connected through taxonomy. It is simultaneously a proof-of-concept and a means to allow Agaric to share and store information both within the collective and the world as part of our open documentation philosophy.

Active state of primary links should follow main sections even without menus

There is a hefty patch porting the MenuTrails module to Drupal 7, but it is reported to not work (read: cause fatal errors with) Organic Groups.

See also:

Two unsatisfying routes to manipulating presentation of addressfield output

[Status: No clean, lightweight solution to munging addressfields for loading elsewhere on the page. The current solution (waaaay at the bottom) splits the difference, in an almost certainly pointless compromise, but that's what happens when trying two different approaches-- you don't finish either of them. But each route looked so bad, once i got a good look, i figured the other had to be better. Now leaning toward my first instinct of loading the field with field_view_field() but i doubt that makes sense for anything but addressfields when your needs are simple.]

Create vocabulary and taxonomy terms in an installation profile

The first part is provided by the default installation profile:

Capturing Menu Block configuration in code with hook_menu_block_blocks()

 * Implements hook_menu_block_blocks().
function feature_about_menu_block_blocks() {

Adding non-menu things to primary links menu items with Drupal 7's page alter hook

The request was to stick search in a menu. I said "I bet that's easy with hook_page_alter()!"

Not quite.

The primary links menu is output directly by the theme, and so is one of the very very few things that occurs after hook_page_alter().

You can tell the theme to stop outputting it directly, and put it in a block that is displayed in a region, or you can add it to the page rendering array in code with hook_page_build().

Making DraggableViews work for Files (and any Entity) Not Just Nodes

If you make a Files view a draggable view, with an integer field and using the FieldAPI handler, everything looks great except for this error:

Undefined property stdClass::$nid in draggableviews_handler_fieldapi->get()

and the fact that it doesn't work at all.

Theming with Display Suite and Preprocess Functions

Display Suite does not use node-*.tpl.php. This would is be by design. There are three ways i see to bring in custom elements.

Custom fields

Typical usage for custom elements would seem to be creating entire custom 'fields' (as opposed to small variables) which can then be placed by Display Suite-- as shown in the first part of this post:

Procedure for resolving a a left-behind branch that has merge conflicts

DRAFT. Better methods from better minds invited!

Situation: Someone has been working away wonderfully on a git branch on your project. You do some crazy stuff with it over the weekend, and when they, on their continnum branch, go git pull --rebase origin continuum and get conflicts they don't know how to deal with, or when they go git fetch origin and git rebase master and have conflicts.

You want to take this off their hands.

Git rebase workflow and git ahead and behind messages

Update: Just set it up to be automatic.

For all new projects:

git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always

For existing projects:

git config branch.master.rebase true

Courtesy Randy Fay's blog post, "Simpler Rebasing (avoiding unintentional merge commits)"

git pull --rebase
rebasing applies your changes on top of the fetched commits.