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Make iTunes use a better music database than CDDB

Simple solution from

That page also go over why CDDB is evil, and you should never contribute your labor (typing in songs) to the freeloading commercial in-bed-with-the-RIAA company.

I didn't know all that, I just knew it stopped finding lots of tracks and CDs it ought to be able to find!

Use instead, and here's how to do so with iTunes with a very simple hack:

On your Mac:

sudo vi /etc/hosts


Not yet tested.


Searched words: 
Make iTunes database find more tracks more cds than CDDB itunes get cd track names plugin better than CDDB FreeDB


it worked very well for

it worked very well for itunes on windows xp
(edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)


Wow, very nice. I have been

Wow, very nice. I have been going crazy trying to find some certain songs that I thought for sure it would pick up for me. Musictoys that cost me a pretty penny should work as advertised!

I know this post is over 8

I know this post is over 8 years old, but do you happen to know how to do this with the Windows version of iTunes?

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