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How to make a simple checkbox in CCK

To make a simple, single checkbox with a CCK field, Agaric thinks the best approach is:


Add Field


Give it a label (this is not what will appear next to your checkbox; it is what will be used as a title above it)

Single on/off checkbox

The key is the allowed values list– you need two:

0|Check this box to fill out a profile for another organization you represent.
1|Check this box to fill out a profile for another organization you represent.

There you are!

Agaric uses this with workflow-ng to redirect you to an organization form if the box is checked.



this is great

can you provide some insight now on how to make workflow-ng respond to the CCK integer selection?

nvm, got it:

nvm, got it:

Invoked on event: Content has been created

Conditions: condition Content has type


condition Numeric comparison



is equal to


thanks for the great info!

I wish I had found you an hour ago

The CCK on/off checkbox is surprisingly unintuitive. Thank you so much for this simple, yet clarifying post!

Great tip

The two values you have given are brilliant and I am using ints for all my check boxes now.

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