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GoodReads has an API

We have an API for developers like yourself. To let your users post
reviews to goodreads, check out this method:

If you end up building a Drupal module, we'd love to see it! We don't
have a PHP example for using our API either, so if you end up writing
something like that, we'd be grateful.

Received that from Ken-ichi in response to my request to "collaborate on a Drupal module to allow people (starting with myself!) to post reviews on their own web site that also go into the GoodReads system (rather than the cut-and-paste option of the other way around). It is important for me, and a few others i know, that the first source of data we put out there to be 100% ours.

"All I need, minimally, is an API for entering information into the system, and I can help provide a Drupal module (with some code reusable for Wordpress and Joomla plugins)."

Note that for a model example of Drupal working with GoodReads to read reviews (and really, maybe a modification of that is enough for me to feel happy getting the data into Drupal) see the first chapter of Matt Butcher's Learning Drupal 6 Module Development by Packt.


A Drupal module for Goodreads?

Agaric would love to integrate our book collections into the lending library functionality, and we would like also to be able to share what we are reading (especially tech-related, of course).

Tarballed module a user posted in 2008 "lets the user enter their userid and bookshelf to retrieve data from"

A more recent (2009) version of the same idea, Sub-modules for Blogger, Goodreads, StumbleUpon, YouTube, IMDB, Ravelry, and Hulu (the modules are hosted on the author's site).

The chapter with Goodreads for an example module is:

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