User login

Get to the login screen of a Drupal site: /user

To go to the log-in form on most any Drupal site, simply add /user to the base URL.

So for the site, visit and if it is Drupal you should be presented with the sign-in form, plus tabs to send a replacement password by e-mail and possibly to register to create a new account.

If the site does not have clean URLs enabled (which you can see if you visit other pages), you will have to include ?q= in your path:

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Searched words: 
Drupal site login or signup page slash user logging in to Drupal, signing in, signin sign in screen where to enter username and password to enter, edit, and administer Drupal Drupal join or signup enter address


Drupal Login page

upon learning that is now a drupal site, I visited it and didn't any login place, which led me to searching for how to go around this.
I tried what's being suggested here didn't work, it returns http://404.

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