User login

Do not display log message

Do not show the log message input box, "An explanation of the additions or updates being made to help other authors understand your motivations."

oh well... form_alter can do it.

Now implemented in Agaric Design Collective's form_tweak module (not released on yet, as I'm not sure about the protocol of modules you have to edit source code to use)

(Or if not there, for sure Agaric put it in the custom wsf_action module)


Searched words: 
drupal do not display log message drupal do not display log message on form drupal hide log message on form


From wsf_action module, this

From wsf_action module, this does work:

* Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function wsf_action_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
  switch ($form['#id']) {
    // case 'node-form':  // not needed thankfully for this...
    // NO BREAK - intentional
    case 'user_register':
    case 'profile_node_form':
        $form['profile']['#collapsible'] = 0;
        $form['body_filter']['body']['#rows'] = 5;
        $form['log']['#type'] = 'hidden';

Can't get the body_filter with fewer rows (a shorter form) to work on just the user_register/profile_node_form though.

Using drupal_set_message("Form ID: " . $form_id); and drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>'); to debug.

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