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Add onto a form from other sources (like a subform) before submitting

You spend enough time in FAPI and it speaks to you. (UPDATE: but it speaks lies.)

The beginnings of a chance to catch material from the subform and duplicate it for the main form:

this should take care of prefilling places

What hasn't worked:

/* did NOT work */
function wsf_action_combined_action_submit($form_id, &$form_values) {
drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($form_values, TRUE) . '</pre>');
  if (isset($form['#node'])) {
    $node = $form['#node'];
  else {
    $node = array('type' => 'action');
  drupal_execute('action_node_form', $form_values, $node);

Neither did simply:
drupal_execute($form_id, $form_values);

Or a couple other variations. Hrm, harrumph, and hibbidy.

Related in a weird way, and I need a freetagging vocabulary to be able to replace the page title for the Organization content type.

Term Token Does Not Work Until User Edits a content type

They say there's no way to do it with token.

So again, I need to get in there, somewhere in the form process, and duplicate information I know I have--- take what's been entered into $form['tag'] or whatever and set $form['title'] equal to that (well, form title's #value).


$form['#after_build'] = array('node_form_add_preview');

Is after_build my savior? Stay tuned...


Searched words: 
Drupal form pre-submit


NO, #after_build does not

NO, #after_build does not look like it will help.

validate, on the other hand, may be able to be twisted and abused to suit Agaric's evil needs...

WHY drupal_execute doesn't

WHY drupal_execute doesn't work

and a possible lead on static variables?

And a confirmation of the #validate hunch

All from this morning in #drupal on IRC.

ben-agaric: drupal_execute question: I'm trying to send a form to my custom submit handler, where I want to add some things and then submit the form.
[09:15am] ben-agaric: So I'm just trying to pass $form_values and a form_id to drupal_execute, but that doesn't seem to work-- is there a function for rearranging $form_values so drupal_execute likes them?
[09:17am] ben-agaric: Some of the trial-and-error so far:
[09:21am] chx: drupal_execute('action_node_form', $form_values, $node); this seems to be correct one.
[09:21am] chx: have you debugged?
[09:25am] ben-agaric: thanks-- I've been using devel to backtrace php errors, but in this case the form just doesn't work. I don't think I pursued the error messages too much because I wasn't sure what the right approach, I'll track them down now
[09:25am] greggles: seen hunmonk?
[09:25am] Druplicon: hunmonk was last seen in #drupal 10 hours 34 min ago saying 'chx: ping'.
[09:25am] greggles: ben-agaric: hi
[09:26am] greggles: ben-agaric: = benjamin M. right?
[09:26am] ben-agaric: greggles: hola
[09:26am] crazygovemployee joined the chat room.
[09:26am] ben-agaric: Benjamin Maurice Melançon the First, A.D.H.D., to be precise
[09:26am] crazygovemployee left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:26am] greggles: ha
[09:26am] RobLoach joined the chat room.
[09:26am] greggles: I don't have a crazy squiggle-c on my keyboard, so I dared not try your last name
[09:27am] greggles: and by crazy I mean very cool
[09:27am] ben-agaric: lol
[09:27am] CrackerJackMack joined the chat room.
[09:27am] greggles: did you see my followup about cck_latlon?
[09:27am] greggles: or have any other questions about it?
[09:27am] NikLP: cck_latlon?
[09:27am] ben-agaric: haven't seen it yet, no
[09:28am] greggles: NikLP: it is an abomination - you should use geo module instead
[09:28am] wwwebernet joined the chat room.
[09:28am] greggles: NikLP: geo module provides a cck latlon
[09:28am] greggles: NikLP: and so much more
[09:28am] NikLP: negates gmap module...?
[09:28am] greggles: no
[09:28am] crazygovemployee joined the chat room.
[09:28am] greggles: integrates _with_ gmap module
[09:28am] crazygovemployee left the chat room.
[09:28am] NikLP: I have still got to use gmap/location, which sucks
[09:28am] greggles: (eventually)
[09:28am] NikLP: oh good
[09:29am] NikLP: seems to be a lot of "eventually"s in the mapping module area...!
[09:29am] greggles: NikLP: the sad thing is that there are lots of "eventuallys" and also lots of "I built this piece of junk today that duplicates someone else's work"
[09:29am] NikLP: yeah well... that latter one has a lot to do with tag-less module listings on d.o I feel...
[09:29am] NikLP: to hard to find stuff...
[09:31am] greggles: NikLP: too hard to find stuff, I mostly agree
[09:31am] greggles: tag-less? - - hardly
[09:31am] swill joined the chat room.
[09:31am] rcj_ joined the chat room.
[09:31am] greggles: lots of people are saying "too hard to find stuff" but I haven't seen many "doing X will make it easier to find stuff"
[09:31am] NikLP: well I don't personally have that problem, I'm just quoting back what I heard...
[09:31am] greggles: aside from "adding votes" which is not a reasonable solution IMO
[09:32am] NikLP: is there a reasonable solution tho do you think...?
[09:32am] greggles: the problem isn't high/low rated location modules - it's too many in the first place
[09:32am] NikLP: tru nuf
[09:32am] ben-agaric: I will finish my related_content module... as soon as I'm done with World Social Forum
[09:32am] greggles: ben-agaric: that actually is quite ironic - there are 3 or 4 different "related content" modules
[09:32am] ben-agaric: yes!
[09:32am] Druplicon: maybe you should rephrase your question
[09:32am] ben-agaric: IT is!
[09:32am] greggles: ben-agaric: it is both a symptom and a solution to the problem
[09:33am] chx: Druplicon: forget yes
[09:33am] Druplicon: chx: I've forgotten about yes.
[09:33am] ben-agaric: definitely the former, and I hope the latter
[09:33am] greggles: chx: I agree - but that url is helpful - how about a factoid of "yesno"
[09:33am] chx: Druplicon: yes or no is maybe you should rephrase your question
[09:33am] Druplicon: chx: Okay.
[09:33am] chx: yes or no?
[09:33am] Druplicon: maybe you should rephrase your question
[09:33am] greggles: very good
[09:33am] chx: yes or no.
[09:33am] chx: does not fire.
[09:33am] chx: okay.

[09:42am] ben-agaric: reporting negative progress on messing with user-input form values before submitting - Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 21628 bytes) in /var/www/wsf2008/sites/ on line 50 - and if I move the drupal_set_message print values statement that is there, white screen
[09:43am] ben-agaric: So if I may be able to point out the obvious to myself in public...
[09:43am] ben-agaric: if I use form_alter to send a form to a custom submit function, which in turn calls drupal_execute
[09:44am] ben-agaric: drupal_execute will submit the form, which triggers my form_alter, which sends the form to the custom submit function
[09:44am] eaton: Not quite.
[09:44am] ben-agaric: which calls drupal_execute... (I'll stop now)
[09:44am] ben-agaric: No?
[09:44am] eaton: ben-agaric: drupal_execute() isn't called by the FormAPI.
[09:45am] wwwebernet left the chat room. ("Leaving.")
[09:45am] eaton: it's a way of manually, in your prorgam, telling FormAPI, "See this array I'm handing you? Treat it as if a user had just submitted it via their browser."
[09:45am] ben-agaric: Yeah--- I'm inserting drupal_execute into a custom submit function
[09:45am] eaton: Oooooo
[09:45am] eaton: that might be... tricky.
[09:45am] ben-agaric: which leads to the poor results described
[09:45am] eaton: Hmmm.
[09:45am] chx: hmmmm indeed
[09:46am] eaton: tell me it's not calling the same form?
[09:46am] chx: i would save $form_values before doing that
[09:46am] ben-agaric: it certainly is!
[09:46am] ekiczek joined the chat room.
[09:46am] chx: ben-agaric: then you are having an infinite loop
[09:46am] ben-agaric: yes, i did finally figure that out
[09:46am] chx: ben-agaric: use a static var to avoid
[09:46am] ben-agaric: occasionally white screens do communicate a bit
[09:47am] • eaton grins.
[09:47am] ben-agaric: what I'm trying to do is take my combined form (which works) -- it's an organic group created at the same time as the first post to the organic group-- but I'd like to duplicate and otherwise mess with some fields between them before submitting.
[09:47am] ben-agaric: So a static variable--- I'm afraid I don't quite follow
[09:47am] eaton: ben-agaric: then you probably want to use a custom validation handler, and use form_set_value() to change the values you want to tweak before it gets submitted.
[09:48am] eaton: maybe? mmm.
[09:48am] ben-agaric: Yeah, that was plan B, hack validate
[09:48am] ben-agaric: I haven't checked if it works for the whole form or just specific parts though
[09:49am] • ben-agaric thinks combining forms is cool and we should have a Drupal way of this sort of hackery
[09:49am] ben-agaric: ... magically appear in the next 5 minutes
[09:49am] eaton: ben-agaric: combining forms is inherently a very tricky thing. The more custom processing there is associated with the form the harder it becomes...

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