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Where to put the files directory

This is probably my all-time favorite conversation from the Drupal Documentation e-mail list.

Updated by: CogRusty
Status: active

Personally I consider it /bad practice/ to place 'files' under
'/sites/'. This is a sure way to make your file links
dependent on your current domain name.

What I consider relatively better practice for a multisite's files is
to place them under '/files/s1' where 's1' is a general short
identifying name of the site which you can reuse elsewhere.

Also, I am not sure why multiple 'tmp' files are needed, so I think one
'files/tmp' would be enough.

[That was CogRusty. Now Boris Man]

It is easy to move. Create a symlink from your new domain name -- ln -s
/sites/ /sites/ Voila. Easy, and it keeps all
files for the site in *one* place.

Re: /sites/ -- this is again to keep all files for a
site together. If you have full control over the server and know
everything that is on there, no problem using /tmp. If there are
multiple sites, each having their own /tmp is a bit better security.

Boris Mann

That should work, but there is a price. My links entered in the content
would appear with the old domain name (a development site name or
anything). Is that worth it if I can just remember that a site's files
are somewhere under /files?


On second thought, I see that I could create symlinks under /files and
use those in the first place. So I would have the best of both words
(all site data in one place and domain-independent links). A handbook
explanation would be a bit elaborate though.


This is where this crosses over into best practices and there is no one
"right answer".

Boris Mann

The Agaric way: /sites/

But name it well, and not because even with symlinks to file, I think Drupal-created links (including images entered through TinyMCE) will contain this path.

This is probably my all-time favorite conversation from the Drupal Documentation e-mail list.

Updated by: CogRusty
Status: active

Personally I consider it /bad practice/ to place 'files' under
'/sites/'. This is a sure way to make your file links
dependent on your current domain name.

What I consider relatively better practice for a multisite's files is
to place them under '/files/s1' where 's1' is a general short
identifying name of the site which you can reuse elsewhere.

Also, I am not sure why multiple 'tmp' files are needed, so I think one
'files/tmp' would be enough.

[That was CogRusty. Now Boris Man]

It is easy to move. Create a symlink from your new domain name -- ln -s
/sites/ /sites/ Voila. Easy, and it keeps all
files for the site in *one* place.

Re: /sites/ -- this is again to keep all files for a
site together. If you have full control over the server and know
everything that is on there, no problem using /tmp. If there are
multiple sites, each having their own /tmp is a bit better security.

Boris Mann

That should work, but there is a price. My links entered in the content
would appear with the old domain name (a development site name or
anything). Is that worth it if I can just remember that a site's files
are somewhere under /files?


On second thought, I see that I could create symlinks under /files and
use those in the first place. So I would have the best of both words
(all site data in one place and domain-independent links). A handbook
explanation would be a bit elaborate though.


This is where this crosses over into best practices and there is no one
"right answer".

Boris Mann

The Agaric way: /sites/

But name it well, and not because even with symlinks to file, I think Drupal-created links (including images entered through TinyMCE) will contain this path.


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