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Thoughts at the close of code

Y'all might want to wait for the director's cut of this module...

Yeah, I'm going to try to make CMT really good. It already (pretty much) allows for on-the-fly hierarchical tagging, which is pretty cool. For a number of trusted volunteers, though, you could clean things up with SoC Matthias Hutterer's Taxonomy Manager.

Still unresolved philosophical/logical issues with the module
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on a terms association with content (node)
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on a name for the term
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on the term's placement in a hierarchy
I3IVIIVI: all independently
I3IVIIVI: So how do we make a term, when only one aspect of its term-ness comes up first?

Dan Hak (smoothblendz): shouldn't items to vote on come in an order, so first the name gets decided, THEN the placement, THEN the association or something?
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): um
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): if they're separate values..
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): you could also require voters to fill all fields at once
I3IVIIVI: nope, people are voting on random things at random times.
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): well there needs to be a default state then
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): which would be changed based on voted
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): votes
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): default state for a new term
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): with malleable values
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): or whatever
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): yea, malleable

Y'all might want to wait for the director's cut of this module...

Yeah, I'm going to try to make CMT really good. It already (pretty much) allows for on-the-fly hierarchical tagging, which is pretty cool. For a number of trusted volunteers, though, you could clean things up with SoC Matthias Hutterer's Taxonomy Manager.

Still unresolved philosophical/logical issues with the module
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on a terms association with content (node)
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on a name for the term
I3IVIIVI: you can vote on the term's placement in a hierarchy
I3IVIIVI: all independently
I3IVIIVI: So how do we make a term, when only one aspect of its term-ness comes up first?

Dan Hak (smoothblendz): shouldn't items to vote on come in an order, so first the name gets decided, THEN the placement, THEN the association or something?
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): um
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): if they're separate values..
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): you could also require voters to fill all fields at once
I3IVIIVI: nope, people are voting on random things at random times.
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): well there needs to be a default state then
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): which would be changed based on voted
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): votes
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): default state for a new term
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): with malleable values
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): or whatever
Dan Hak (smoothblendz): yea, malleable


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