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Dan Hakimzadeh

What Agaric stands for in two sentences plus asterisk (brainstorm)

Agaric... what the dictionary has to say:

any fungus with gills on the underside of the cap, such as a mushroom [Greek agarikon]
ag·a·ric (gr-k, -grk)
1. Any of various mushrooms of the genera Agaricus, Fomes, or related genera, having large umbrellalike caps with numerous gills beneath.
2. The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genus Fomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat.

Being Agaric

You have to want to do amazing things with Drupal. You have to be dreaming big.

Forget Drupal (OK, not really). An Agaric has passion for doing what is right for the web, and for the collective, for the people of the world off the web, too.

Building a company is a lot of work; building a collective company may be harder. None of us want to knock ourselves out only so someone can make money. That's great but if that's your primary goal, there are lots of opportunities out there in Drupal right now.

Collaborative Software - Wiki Wikis

WikiWiki software, or simply wikis, are powerful collaboration tools.

Agaric Design creates custom wikis for you and your team, using the MediaWiki software that powers the world-famous Wikipedia.

We can set up password-protected wikis that are completely private, or access-controlled wikis that are viewable by the public but only editable by users with permissions.

Agaric Design can also provide lessons in wiki terminology and editing proctices so you can make the most of the productivity-enhancing potential of group collaboration.

World Social Forum 2008 Global Day of Action [update circa 2018: domain no longer controlled by the World Social Forum]


In 2008, the World Social Forum was not held in one or two locations, as it had in other years since the first Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001. Agaric Design Collective created to enable groups all over the world to plan and publicize participation in the Global Call for Action, with demonstrations and workshops held in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

The site included:

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