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Stunningly incoherent WSF2008 conversation (voice over internet) notes

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Should that be right away?

You see a page where the whole country

The first impact is the map.

And then you can have some lists.

and then a space where people

The complexity here is to have space for information where


Functionally, the local page and the activity forum-- which are in the same place.

The local page comprends many activities (probably we will have to call them actions)

The de

and the organizers
- i need to insist

they can

access it in one click, that's fine

Is there an automatic way to show photos?

It is not structured?

You're thinking that for

To prepare the demonstration on the 26th in Paris, there could be a meeting every

We want a place to list the preparatory


after the home page, we have the local pages as we call them.

part of Asia, far east, etc.

creating a large number of pages.

will people go to other levels?

Jason, I have a point here: how do the regional levels get edited? Is it just an aggregation.

You can let people vote on things, and then you can randomly take

Remember the climatechallenge web site? The way they did it, they had a row of pictures, and then of videos as well.

Coming from the latest that was added.

Either way
losing time in having to solve this kind of stuff.

This goes only to

Video can come from multiple sources.

How do we look at the editing rights on national or continental

Whoever edits most and last wins?

We can have a separate page that is collaboratively edited.

Audio as well. People should

Lots of hard drive space.

I understand there are three views of videos
- uploading in-the-activity space a one minute video displayed in the site (can be hosted on the server or not)
- the other is links to videos on external services
- and the third is to have a place to upload good quality video for the centralized communication effort (would not have to be part of this site)

For democ

We do want to launch a sort of contest, one minute video for a better world
launch a contest
activists and famous directors to make a short video

Does the hosting make any difference in the display, and browse those videos easily

What happens if we want

We probably don't have the time to do it anyway.

What happens if we realize the server is not

Languages: extremely important. We will have to work a hell of a lot.

Pretty much the signature form, the registration, and the possibility of having some wiki pages.

We won't be translating wiki pages.

One thing, in the activity forms, you should have an extra field for a second language of the title.

Let people translate their content

How are the local pages edited

if there is a city that is mentioned that is

everyone would be hooked into a slightly different view
there has to be a wiki page ascribed to some location

we cannot create all the pages before

Should there be neighborhoods of Paris?

Do we stop at France, or do we go down to the cities?

It's a key point, and

There could be an interface after signing, listing already created places, and they can choose to create a significant city

Use the

But wait, let me see if I'm understanding correctly

Sign the appeal (register)

Go to the nearest place where actions are being formed
and this local page is simply made with the same template.

You would sort of have the opportunity to create events.

Pierre: One more question
directory of users and interface with wsfprocess

I have not yet totally understood who is editing the activity page and who is editing it

try to go on in changing with that

me: How do you think it ought to work?

in the wsfprocess site it's a simple site, you create a group, you have a mailing list that has exactly the parameter of that group
you cannot have a mailing list that is different
I know in a more modern list you can have as many lists as you want

  • pitched PWGD again

One more question and the

It will come out tomorrow if it's possible to integrate it.

Does it make sense to start out to start out from the

On this we have to make a very quick decision

the server here in Italy is ready
it's pretty much corresponding with the specs you have said

I would like you to speak directly with the tech guys

tomorrow after the skype meeting

quick rondavue with the people in M who have the server.

I asked it to be ready for tomorrow.


Should I list the other organization

the lead time and the development path and priorities

pretty much in unless we are lucky or unlucky in the translators

Maybe also:


maybe another Asian language

I have to finish researching it


and if you can kind of describe about how you can implement the functionality in a low, primary way, but still allow the

as I think the USSF tech people

minimal functionalities

provide a world view of activities, as long as it exists

there's a plan to improve
and announce a path

We're in a dynamic process where the availability of the tool is part of the mobilization.

Even if it's basic.

So the meeting is 9:30 a.m.


Searched words: 
online tool is part of the mobilization


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