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Show main menu links in the admin menu

 * Alter the admin menu to show main menu links there also (for admin pages).
function example_admin_menu_output_alter(&$content) {
// Retrieve the Main menu link tree.
$tree = menu_build_tree('main-menu');
$links = admin_menu_links_menu($tree);
  if (!empty(
$links)) {
// Fake out a top-level main menu link.
$links['#title'] = t('Main menu');
$links['#href'] = '<front>';
$links['#options'] = array(
'alias' => true,
$links['#weight'] = 100;
$content['menu']['main_menu'] = $links;

TODO: Clean this up and put it under the Home icon instead of a new 'Main menu' item. Move the stuff under the icon menu which is all developer-related anyway under an "Admin" menu (moving the admin/index to the top level).


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